Tuesday, May 3, 2011


God is never mentioned throughout his story. Why the name of the story? Even though he wasn't mentioned, Hurston did mentioned nature a lot. The time she mentioned the sun, or the sky it appeared as if they were divine. It was almost as if nature was playing the role of God. It was as if nature had a mind of its own and it decided what to do with people and it also influenced the way the thought about themselves. Janie, as mentioned before, wanted to find herself, but she also had to find her place in the world in order to be comfortable with who she was. Their Eyes Were Watching God was ultimately about Janie and her quest to find her place in the world, and to be comfortable and happy with who she was.

1 comment:

  1. God is never mentioned throughout his story. Why the name of the story? Even though he wasn't mentioned, Hurston did mentioned nature a lot. The time she mentioned the sun, or the sky it appeared as if they were divine. security grilles
